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CuteThing, a short and sassy cartoon superhero with an unnatural affection for sandwiches, pie, and candy, (as well as bizarre children's cereals), lived an uneventful and law abiding life prior to creating the Superhero Alliance of Philadelphia (SAP). She formed the SAP to break the seemingly endless ennui of her academic experience. Thus, she joined forces with The Smash.
As the Fearless Leader of the SAP, she is often subjected to "mutinous lip" from her large cohort.

The Smash is the "big brute enforcer" of the SAP. He brings a little guile and wit to the group, but mostly, he brings brutishness. Some, (namely, him), might say he's the pretty one, but "some" can't be trusted to make an objective and balanced decision on such a matter. Occasionally, he threatens to boycott ToH, on account of its edginess — despite being largely responsible for the storyline.
He's also mistakenly convinced that B2 likes him best.

B2, (short for Butler Butler), is a refined gentlemen penguin of the best breeding and education. A world traveller and collector of stamps, he has come to be the SAP's most indispensible ally. Due to the fact that he is a penguin, he can only speak in chirps and chitters, making him pretty much unemployable. Likewise, manual labor is out as all he can do is wave his useless little wings around like some sort of mime fowl. Still, he's found a home in the lair, and dutifully assists the Alliance.

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