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Trace of Humor is the creation of CuteThing and The Smash, to document the collected adventures of the Superhero Alliance of Philadelphia, in their unending quest to rid the world of evil.

No matter what form the evil takes, be it that of flesh-eating zombies, package-delivering zombies, or cable-hooking-up-please-be-home-between-8AM-and-5PM zombies, CuteThing and The Smash will kill it. Kill it good. With violence and murder. And mayhem, where appropriate. Alright, I think they get the picture.

The SAP was created as something of a superhero club. The two main characters in ToH reside in The Lair, where hearts randomly appear but they have no amenities because they kill all the delivery men. The few amenities which do exist in The Lair are courtesy of B2, the Alliance's penguin butler and indispensible ally. What he lacks in witty dialogue, he makes up for by not being completely self-centered and incompetent.

The strip itself is (mostly) written by The Smash, and "artinated" by Cute Thing. B2 is fictional, and therefore gets none of the profits.

All content © 2006 Trace of Humor. Hosting provided by ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.